Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last Week of 1/2

Claire - Well, the 30 day mark is here! I am going to finish up the week with the 1/2 program and then move on to the 3/4 next week. I am a little nervous about it. The 1/2 has gotten a lot better over the past few weeks, but it still is not easy. I think I will feel like I am starting over with the 3/4. Lori and Tyler come this weekend so we can do our measurements. Lori was here about a week and a half ago, and I could definitely tell a difference in her. Then Alexandra came over a couple of nights ago, and she is getting toned! Her shoulders and arms were very firm. I am excited to see where everyone is. I am able to stay pretty disciplined with my eating. The fact that I have 4 kids who will all yell "You're Cheating!!" anytime I want to put something not so healthy in my mouth helps a little bit! I have switched to brown rice and whole wheat spaghetti, and no one has seemed to mind.

On a side note - does anyone have a prediction about who will win Biggest Loser? I have no idea!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Lori: My knee thrust was so powerful today, I rammed my knee right into my elbow! Seriously though, I am feeling stronger, and more toned than I ever have. Arms and belly don't jiggle any more. Still a struggle to eat well though. I still really want to run out and get Taco Bell!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Claire - Well, Week 4 is under way! So far, so good. Like Tyler, I am feeling like while the workouts are not easy, they are becoming smoother and it is taking me a little less effort. I will do this week and the next week at 1/2, and then move up to 3/4 after our first 30 day measurements. I have increased some of my weights in the Sculpt section and I can do all the push-ups (girl style)! The power yoga in the Sweat section still kills me, but it is getting better. I definitely feel tighter in my core when I am doing some of the exercises like kicking and punching. I can also tell that my core is tighter when I am running!

I have had plantar fasciitis in my right foot for about a year now. It varies from being manageable to really hurting even when just walking. I was in the middle of marathon training when I had to take about 5 weeks totally off running to let it (and a subsequent injury) heal a little bit. I started back about 3 weeks ago. I am trying to run about 3 miles on the Sculpt days and 4 or 5 on Sunday. It felt pretty good for about 2 weeks and then really flared up last week. I did not run at all last week. It is starting to feel better again this week. There are a couple of things that bother my foot in the Sweat workouts, but not too badly.

Okay, everybody...Stay strong the next couple of weeks! Keep motivated because I think our results will show it! Maybe we should all go to John's and buy a new pair of socks or something as a reward for our 30 days. Then maybe a new running shirt at 60 days? What do you think?

Monday, October 12, 2009

25% DONE!

We're getting there, everybody! Official "1/3 done" measurements in less than 2 weeks! Keep it up - we'll see you in Lexington soon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Missed Opportunities

Tyler - I consider myself very lucky to have someone who lives in my house with me keeping me accountable for my workouts - it makes it that much easier to kick off the covers at 5:55 in the morning and "hang out with Tony". I have been struggling with cravings a little bit - but not too badly. What I do notice is all the times and places that I do get cravings and realize - "wow, I would have grabbed coke there", or "usually I would have stopped there and picked up some skittles" (c'mon, it's a full day's supply of Vitamin C in the King Size pack...). It made me realize how I got in the shape I'm in today. And it makes me think about the shape I'll be in a year from now if I just go back to my old habits once these 90 days are done.
On a positive note, although the workouts aren't easy, I'm getting used to keeping up with the 3/4 pace, and doing a better job of maintaining my form. I don't expect to get hired for an infomercial yet, but the hard work is starting to render some results. I don't expect much just yet - most people don't look too different in their 30-day photos. Still, even these initial, small changes are encouraging!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Claire - Boy, has it been hard getting up this week. I did not get my workout in on Monday morning, so it did not get done until about 9:30 Monday night. I did my workout Tues. morning. Then this morning I was on my way downstairs at 6:30 (late for me) and Emilie came walking out of her room. I knew she wouldn't go back to bed quietly so I lay down with her until about 7:30. My workout didn't get done until about 9 p.m. I will try to get up in the morning to get back on track!

On a positive note, the workouts are getting better! They are easier to get through. I can almost keep up pace with Tony and the gang the whole time, I am feeling more coordinated (huge for me!), and I am hopeful that I will be able to move to the 3/4 video after 30 days! Healthy eating still going well. Jim is very supportive and will eat whatever so that is very helpful!

What's up Sisters (and bro-in-law)? How's everyone doing?

Monday, October 5, 2009

el crampster

Alexandra- Yesterday was Sunday...which i so look forward to because they are my "cheat" days. I ate at a Mexican restaurant yesterday called "el campster" and it tasted sooooo good. Diet Coke...mmmm...chips and salsa.....and fajitas! So yummy! I did not overindulge and my husband and I split a meal. I ate until I was satisfied...not full...which is already a big change. For dinner I ate a piece of pizza no cheese, salad, a couple of bites of lasagna, and a 1/2 slice of chocolate cake. I am not gonna lie it was fabulous....until about 10 pm when I got the "el cramspters" body was rejecting all the things I love and use to fill my body with. This morning was the same. Needless to say I was excited and ready to get back to the program....I can see now that my body has been pissed off at me all these years for feeding it crap! So I cant wait to see what this week noticeable outer physical results that I can tell..but clearly my insides are changing!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lori: Didn't enjoy my "off" day as much as I hoped I would. Felt more sluggish from not working out, and eating a bunch of crap! The longer I stick to the program, the more my body seems to crave it. Hmmmm...

Two weeks, and I have started to notice changes. Stronger, firmer, leaner, etc. Perhaps I will get into that bikini again!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tyler - I was hesistant to post on blog by my wife and sisters-in-law, but I am told that its OK, and that I should. I am Lori's husband, and I wish I could say I was doing this with her just to be supportive. The fact of the matter is, I need it. Claire refered to her "muffin top"; I have, over the last few years, developed more of a "pie crust". As a guy, I can look at myself in the mirror and with relative ease convince myself that I look fine and don't have to worry about anything. But lately it's been harder and harder to do. I finished a marathon 2 days before we started this training; I would have thought all the running all summer would have kept me in great shape, but it didn't really put a dent in my waistline.
I've been surprised at my results over the first two weeks alone. I figured I had, maybe 10 pounds to drop off, and that I'd want to put on about that much in muscle. After two weeks of workouts, I have dropped 7 pounds from the weight we measured the day after my marathon. On the one hand, it's good progress. On the other hand, it means I have more to drop than I thought...
I think my biggest challenge over the course of these 90 days will be food. If you made a pramid from my diet, I think that candy, pop, and fast food would be the foundation. My dad laughed when I told him I was cutting out pop, desserts, and fast food -- he said there was nothing else left in my diet. I don't want to think about how close to the truth he was. But the sacrifice is paying off, and I can't wait to see how this progresses. Keep it up everybody!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Alexandra-So this week has been crazy for me because we are in the process of redoing our house. Because of this we really have no room anywhere...and workers are in and out all day. Because I am confined to the bedroom...I have not been on a regular schedule with my workouts because I am pounding too hard on the floor...(hopefully as I loose weight it will not be as dramatic on the floor!) I will say that I have successfully completed my workouts...but it is so much harder to do it at 9 pm. Overall I am feeling pretty good....I am still not seeing I am praying that some will show up soon. I have really been disciplined about eating what Tony recommends and am really surprised and proud of myself that I have followed through. I am getting bored with protein...dont really like meat...but my husband is loving the side effects because I am cooking and he loves meat. I am actually seeing results on him and he is not doing the program...he is just eating what I make. So for now....I am still the chubby sister...hopefully not for long!


Claire - Boy, did I have a hard time getting up this morning! I am getting pretty used to getting up early to do these workouts, run, whatever, but there is at least one day a week where it is really hard. I wanted to put it off until this afternoon, but I knew I would never get it done, and then my sisters, of course, would have to give me a hard time. Can't have that!

I think I have started noticing 2 small changes. Usually I feel like I wake up "skinny" and then I slowly expand throughout the day I do not feel like that has been happening the last few days. I don't feel so full and/or bloated when I go to bed. I think that is because of a couple of things: 1. obviously exercising everyday and 2. my diet. I have really tried to incorporate portion control and making healthy choices ALL day long, and I am starting to tell a difference. I think not snacking in the evening makes a big difference, too. The other difference I am noticing the last couple of days is that I do not feel like I have as much of a "muffin top" around my belly when I have on running tights, shorts, whatever. Now these changes could be all in my head, but I am excited that this is only week 2 and I feel a little different. The true test will be with measurements and pictures on day 30!

I'm so proud of my sisters! You go, Girls! Everyone is doing great in this P90 experiment. I'm pretty sure Tony is going to want to fly us to Hawaii to do a training video after this. I think January would be a great time to do that! :)