Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LORI: Almost half-way there! Workouts are going great. Feel good. Feel strong. Eating is still hard. Really, do I have to eat only fruits, veggies, and tasteless food (i.e. no fat or salt) to get a flat belly??? I really resent that! Really loving my Vita-Mix for smoothies, though! (It's really worth the investment IMO!) How's that for random thoughts?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I've started 3/4!

Claire - Well, its been a while since anyone has posted last. I am now in the second week of doing the 3/4 phase of p90 and this week has been better than last week so far. Last week wasn't horrible, but definitely harder than 1/2! More intense and longer. I'm glad I did the 1/2 for the full 30 days. Speaking of the 30 days, we did our measurements and pictures at the 30 day (more like 34 day) mark, and everyone did GREAT!! I will post mine in the next couple of days so you can check the progress. We may wait till the end to post pictures. For me, it was great motivation to keep on going. I feel like I have to wear a belt with everything now.

Our homeschool group, Classical Conversations, has a motto: "Discipline is small things done daily". I am finding this to be so true with p90. Getting up to do the workouts, eating breakfast, choosing the right foods for the rest of the day is much more manageable when you do it for that day, and don't focus on 90 days in a row. I have been doing this daily now for about 6 weeks, and we are already about halfway done!

My new goal for the end of the 90 days is to be able to do 10 man-style decline pushups at the beginning of the sculpt workout. I can struggle through about 6 right now. I'm off to bed so I can get up in the morning!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last Week of 1/2

Claire - Well, the 30 day mark is here! I am going to finish up the week with the 1/2 program and then move on to the 3/4 next week. I am a little nervous about it. The 1/2 has gotten a lot better over the past few weeks, but it still is not easy. I think I will feel like I am starting over with the 3/4. Lori and Tyler come this weekend so we can do our measurements. Lori was here about a week and a half ago, and I could definitely tell a difference in her. Then Alexandra came over a couple of nights ago, and she is getting toned! Her shoulders and arms were very firm. I am excited to see where everyone is. I am able to stay pretty disciplined with my eating. The fact that I have 4 kids who will all yell "You're Cheating!!" anytime I want to put something not so healthy in my mouth helps a little bit! I have switched to brown rice and whole wheat spaghetti, and no one has seemed to mind.

On a side note - does anyone have a prediction about who will win Biggest Loser? I have no idea!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Lori: My knee thrust was so powerful today, I rammed my knee right into my elbow! Seriously though, I am feeling stronger, and more toned than I ever have. Arms and belly don't jiggle any more. Still a struggle to eat well though. I still really want to run out and get Taco Bell!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Claire - Well, Week 4 is under way! So far, so good. Like Tyler, I am feeling like while the workouts are not easy, they are becoming smoother and it is taking me a little less effort. I will do this week and the next week at 1/2, and then move up to 3/4 after our first 30 day measurements. I have increased some of my weights in the Sculpt section and I can do all the push-ups (girl style)! The power yoga in the Sweat section still kills me, but it is getting better. I definitely feel tighter in my core when I am doing some of the exercises like kicking and punching. I can also tell that my core is tighter when I am running!

I have had plantar fasciitis in my right foot for about a year now. It varies from being manageable to really hurting even when just walking. I was in the middle of marathon training when I had to take about 5 weeks totally off running to let it (and a subsequent injury) heal a little bit. I started back about 3 weeks ago. I am trying to run about 3 miles on the Sculpt days and 4 or 5 on Sunday. It felt pretty good for about 2 weeks and then really flared up last week. I did not run at all last week. It is starting to feel better again this week. There are a couple of things that bother my foot in the Sweat workouts, but not too badly.

Okay, everybody...Stay strong the next couple of weeks! Keep motivated because I think our results will show it! Maybe we should all go to John's and buy a new pair of socks or something as a reward for our 30 days. Then maybe a new running shirt at 60 days? What do you think?

Monday, October 12, 2009

25% DONE!

We're getting there, everybody! Official "1/3 done" measurements in less than 2 weeks! Keep it up - we'll see you in Lexington soon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Missed Opportunities

Tyler - I consider myself very lucky to have someone who lives in my house with me keeping me accountable for my workouts - it makes it that much easier to kick off the covers at 5:55 in the morning and "hang out with Tony". I have been struggling with cravings a little bit - but not too badly. What I do notice is all the times and places that I do get cravings and realize - "wow, I would have grabbed coke there", or "usually I would have stopped there and picked up some skittles" (c'mon, it's a full day's supply of Vitamin C in the King Size pack...). It made me realize how I got in the shape I'm in today. And it makes me think about the shape I'll be in a year from now if I just go back to my old habits once these 90 days are done.
On a positive note, although the workouts aren't easy, I'm getting used to keeping up with the 3/4 pace, and doing a better job of maintaining my form. I don't expect to get hired for an infomercial yet, but the hard work is starting to render some results. I don't expect much just yet - most people don't look too different in their 30-day photos. Still, even these initial, small changes are encouraging!